If you’re travelling out of the province or out of the country, remember that you have emergency travel medical coverage under your ONE-T Benefits Plan. It can provide peace of mind, knowing that you and your eligible dependents are covered for emergency medical care while you’re away.
Review these tips that can help you avoid a stressful situation when travelling.
Your medical emergency might not be eligible for coverage if you have a condition that you know about or are actively treating before you go away. Your benefits plan will only cover emergency medical treatments if the circumstance is unforeseen. Your best bet is to call Canada Life before you travel to confirm if you have any health conditions that would not qualify for coverage.
If you have a medical emergency while you’re away, call the phone number listed on your benefits card (the number will vary depending on the country you’re travelling in). An agent will review your coverage and coordinate services for you.
Make the call as soon as possible – ideally before you start receiving treatment – so the benefits coordination process can begin, and you can avoid having to pay for medical treatment upfront.
• From the Canada Life website: once you’re logged in, select “Info centre, for benefits”
and then “View benefits cards”.
• From the My Canada Life at Work app: once you're logged in, select the card icon from
the top-right corner.
Your coverage includes:
• Emergency hospital stays and emergency medical treatment
• 24-hour phone access to speak with an agent
• Coordination and support to find the services and care you need
• Transportation home or to another medical facility, if you need it
• And more!
You can find a complete list of what’s covered, along with some important rules and tips, in your Plan Booklet.
Your ONE-T Benefits Plan covers emergency medical costs. However, it does not cover:
• Trip cancellation
• Trip interruption
• Loss or damage of baggage
You can get these types of coverage from other sources (e.g., travel agencies or certain credit cards).
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